UNSOLICITED MANUSCRIPTS (Get an Agent. Sell Your Script. 6 Agencies & 246 Literary Agents)


Wrote a Screenplay. Registered & Copyrighted it. Got your pitch fine tuned to an “Elevator Pitch” and are ready to pitch it to anyone who knows someone in Hollywood.

So, what are you waiting for?


Oh, you heard you need an agent and if you call an agent cold, without a formal introduction, that he/she won’t talk to you.

Oh, you also heard that you can’t even mail it for they “Do Not Accept Unsolicited Manuscripts”.

F*ck, you don’t need permission to phone anyone and you definitely don’t need permission to mail anything to anyone.

But, again, you heard that they “Do Not Accept Unsolicited Manuscripts”.

So what the heck are you going to do… Wait-To-Be-Solicited. That definitely ain’t gonna happen.

It is my solid belief that the reason that 100% of the Screenwriting & Directing, even Acting, careers never get launched is that the individual is “Waiting to be Solicited”.

Now lets get into action as in Lights-Camera-Action.

Back to: You wrote a script. You believe it is great. You have a great Grabber on Line 6 of Page-1 and another great Grabber on the Last Line of Page-1 that is going to make the “peruser” (not calling him a reader…yet) want to turn-the-page and keep reading. You’ve Registered & Copyrighted it.

Again, “So what are you waiting for?”

Oh I fuhggot “You’re waiting to be solicited”.

Cut-it-Out! Cut-it-Out! Cut-it-Out!

Pick up the phone and dial. Photocopy the script with a great Cover Letter stating “Your speech at So-and-So Film Festival totally changed my life and I wrote this script because of you…. yadda-yadda-yadda” or “Once you peruse the first page you’ll know why it’s great…. yadda-yadda-yadda”



All I know is if you don’t it is 100% Guaranteed that you WILL NEVER SELL IT.

Now, why not start at the top.

Below is a list of the Top 6 Literary Agencies, with office in Hollywood, New York & London, that have at least 246.

Smile & Dial… and Turn It Over To God.

What do you have to lose?

A-G-A-I-N: All I know if you “wait to be solicited”… nothing is ever going to happen.

So, lets start the ball rolling and Smile & Dial and remember the only thing better than ACCEPTANCE is REJECTION… the worst thing is NON-ACTION.


The 6 largest Literary Agencies, with over 246 Literary Agents (Features, TV-Sitcoms, Comedy, TV-Dramas, Speeches, Jokes, Non-Scripted, Gaming, etc.) are…



ADDRESS: 4025 S Beverly Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

TEL: 310-888-4200

ATTN: Jim Gosnell (CEO), David Saunders (Sr Feature Literary), Lee Dinsman (Sr TV)



ADDRESS: 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067

TEL: 424-288-2000

ATTN: Richard Lovett (President), David O’Connor (Head-Literary Movies), Steven Lafferty (Head-Literary TV)



ADDRESS: 10250 Constellation Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90067

TEL: 310-550-4000

ATTN: Chris Silberman (President), Nicole Clemens (Head-Feature Films), Kevin Crotty (Co-Head, TV)



ADDRESS: 360 N Crescent Dr, N Bldg, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

TEL: 310-288-8000

ATTN: Lawrence Antoine (Exec VP),  Jeff Benson (Co-Head, TV Literary), Valarie Philips (Head, Motion Picture Literary)



ADDRESS: 9560 Wilshire Blvd, #500, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

TEL: 310-273-6700

ATTN: James Berkus (Co-Head), Peter Benedek (Co-Head), Tracey Jacobs (Co-Head)



ADDRESS: 9601 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

TEL: 310-285-9000

DovSimens2DayFilmSchool (Want to Produce, Write or Direct. Then any of my Programs will give you all the info needed…. www.WebFilmSchool.com)

PS: I repeat. Stop waiting. Stop finding people who tell you what you can’t do. Get in motion. You wrote the script. You registered and copyrighted it. You are sure it is great. Then Smile-and-Dial, Post-and-Mail, Turn it over to God and write your next script.

Happy Filmmaking,


Share if you have actually called an agent at one of the Big 6 agencies… and what happened.

Share. Share.

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 *** NO-BULL ***



26 comments on “UNSOLICITED MANUSCRIPTS (Get an Agent. Sell Your Script. 6 Agencies & 246 Literary Agents)”

  1. Ray says:

    Got in touch with 3, waiting for the return call.

    1. Sue says:

      Ray- did you receive follow up?

      1. My screenplay titled DIAMOND OF HOPE is a prequel to a famous and successful Hollywood movie “Blood Diamond” starring Leonardo DiCaprio. I know my story is compelling and has timely content relevant to the ongoing current issues trending in the news media. I am e-mailing my screenplay to agents instead of mailing it.

  2. Kathy Lowe says:

    This is so refreshing to find you!

  3. esaie prince says:

    my name is Esaie Prince; I wrote a movie script: FROG &TOAD that franchise is worth over 2 BILLION$– another script STORY OF LEGENDS “BEAST WORLD” athletes can transform into ANIMALS OF THE FIELD, when they are on the field! both scripts deal with with NATURE & REAL World issues. IF YOU CAN HELP 561-420-1814 GOD BLESS

    1. A.C. Darren says:

      Which agencies did you contact and for how long?

  4. Dylan Lee says:

    Dont bother, done of these take uncolisited materails.

  5. Paweł says:

    Skynet, Ultron and the Constructor of the Matrix include governments in three empires. The last hope of humanity is the Archangel – a program that controls the state of Zion. – I have an interesting idea, but is it profitable for a film studio?

  6. Shramik Rajan says:

    I HV 4 Globle subject..only have Synopsis..right now..if you permit it ,well send to you..I’m from Bollywood ,India..well b grateful if you consider me.and you Wll love it my Story…

  7. Moone says:

    After reading some of your replies, I would have to say that I feel a lot of you have a long way to go before submitting your work to anybody, unsolicited or solicited. But stay focused, never give up, and look for unbiased people to review and critique your work before submission. There are a few sites that I would recommend if you are looking to get your work out there or looking for writing gigs. One is networkisa.org. For the low monthly payment of $10, this site allows you to submit your work to a variety of different production companies that accept work from all different genres. If you would like any advice, or if you would like me to review some of your work before submission feel free to email me at: karmap1990@gmail.com. I can give you some good feedback on your logline, synopsis, or screenplay before you submit it.
    Have a good day.

    1. Mogofane Kate Mamabolo says:

      I wrote a movie script but I cannot send it to production companies because I don’t have an agent

  8. Joshua M Liddell says:

    I will be sending you something shortly.

  9. Lucien Allen says:

    I have wrote many movie scripts. Some very small,love to make them big

  10. George Patton says:

    My great uncle’s neighbor just got picked-up by Netflix: The Madame C J Walker Story. coming Summer 2020. Now I believe it is time for the Black Magick Man! LOGLINE: Black Herman stage magician, being groomed as a Magick Man; must combat inner demons, escape trap that felled his great ancestor before defeating monstrous evil loosed upon world of Roaring Twenties and Harlem Renaissance. READ TREATMENT HERE – https://www.scriptrevolution.com/scripts/black-magick-man-treatment

  11. Elliott Nicholas says:

    None of them take unsolicited material!!!

  12. Sayed Rohani says:

    I am a published author. I have published many novels, short stories, plays, and essays. I am looking for a literary agent. If it is possible to avail myself of your service, please contact me at my email. I appreciate your help.
    Best regards,
    Sayed H. Rohani

  13. Pierre Ronald says:

    Hello People, my Name is pierre ronald. I am a screenwriter and author. I have a Lot of scripts those can turn into great motion pictures. I am willing to send them to you. Let me give you their title. Confronted. Situate Partie. Berto& Carrie. Wrongful Death. Just for a ride. I just like to sell them for a little money in order to manage a life with my family. Please, help me sell them. I need to make a living out of my hard work. The scripts are great you make a fortune out of them. I am waiting for you, please, ask me to send you those scripts. You won’t regret you did. Once again the scripts are great, l am good writer; l believe in my works. Ihope for the better, thank you for allowing me this time. You may contact me at my email address confronted@ gmx.com ans by my phone 917 965 8657 ans 718 576 4582.

  14. Richard Keith says:

    I have written a true story that is a Hogan’s Hero’s and MASH story. memoir.

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  17. Rusty Leaver says:

    Good morning Doc
    My name is Rusty Leaver
    I’m interested in hiring an established screenwriter for a project. I produced a 75 min doc on the subject in 2016 and am about to contact agents to help locate potential writers. I’d like your advice on this.

  18. Marika says:

    Do you still need an agent? Our drywall expert would love to learn how the job is done.

  19. Kelly says:

    How is this going? Im probably interested in doing this offer. Im sure a lot from our Security products team would love a sales agent too!

  20. Dickson Phiri Jr says:

    I did an agent, I am a script writer.

  21. Allie Rice says:

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