by Dov S-S Simens on October 19, 2015
15 HOLLYWOD AGENCIES (Part 2: #16-30)… with 100-200 Literary Agents: SELL YOUR SCRIPT
(Don’t forget to read the very important Screenwriting Teaching Point #2 after the list)
(Quentin in process of grabbing-the-reader with a hook & great dialogue)
(16) ABOVE THE LINE AGENCY, 468 N Camden Drive, Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(17) ABRAMS ARTISTS AGENCY, 9200 Sunset Blvd, Suite 1130, Los Angeles, CA 90069
(18) AFFINITY ARTISTS AGENCY, 5455 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1010, Los Angeles, CA 90036
(19) AGENCY GROUP, 1880 Century Park East, Suite 711, Los Angeles, CA 90067
(20) ALLENSWORTH ENTERTAINMENT, 468 North Camden Drive, Suite 349B, Beverly Hills, CA, 90210
(21) ALPERN GROUP, 15645 Royal Oak Road, Encino, CA 91438
(22) AMERICAN MEDIA ARTISTS, 4830 Encino Avenue, CA 91316
(23) AMK HOLLYWOOD AGENCY, 2223 West Colorado Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90041
(24) ANDERSON TALENT AGENCY, 9682 Via Torino, Burbank, CA 91504
(25) ANGEL CITY TALENT, 8318 Kirkwood Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90046
(26) ARTIST AGENCY, 9430 Olympics Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(27) ARTIST INTERNATIONAL, 9107 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 600, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(28) BICOASTAL TALENT, 210 North Pass Avenue, Suite 204, Burbank, CA 91505
(29) BLOC TALENT AGENCY, 6100 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90048
(30) BOHRMAN AGENCY, 3141 Ellington Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90068
(Do your homework: Google. Get the names of the agents at each of the above agencies, along with the phone number and dial…
“Yeah, Yeah, Yeah… we all heard they won’t accept unsolicited phonecalls…All I know is “Nothing will happen if you don’t dial””)
(You’ve heard about Cut-To-The-Chase… now learn how)
When you’ve finished your script and Registered & Copyrighted it.
Then, photocopy it 15-20 (yep, old analog method) times and get a list of 15-20 agents (see above?), at the above 15 agencies, and hot dealmakers-in-the-news and mail-them-off…
…but remember (A) You are a nobody and who is about to receive your script (B) is also a nobody (with a title) who has never sold a script he/she has written, but has written 3-5, and is frustrated…. very frustrated and is now paid to read scripts from nobodies… and has read and written coverage, in the past year, on 200-300 screenplays.
Welcome to the mentality of readers and development execs.
POINT #1! Do you think this person (aka: Development Executive, if big company… Independent Reader, if small company) is excited about reading your script…and I don’t care how great your Query Letter is.
ANSWER! No. No. No.
(You’ve heard “Cut-to-the-chase” now do it by Line #6 to Line #8 on your script’s first page)
POINT #2: Then you gotta grab-the-reader literally on page-1 of your screenplay. Plus, the average male tv viewer has an attention span of 15-20 seconds before he hits the remote button and flicks channels. (women: you know you want to rip that remote out of your husband’s hands)
POINT #3: If male viewers flick-remote-buttons within 15-20 seconds then you gotta grab the viewer super quick.
POINT #4: If 1-page of script, typed (formatted) properly (Final Draft or Celtx) is 1-minute of running time. And there are 20-24 lines per page. Then 15-20 Seconds of viewing on a page of script is somewhere between Line #6 to Line #8 on page-1.
So, with this little Screenwriting Teaching Point go back and re-read your script. But only Page-1 and tell yourself if you grabbed-the-reader, with a solid hook, somewhere between Line #6 to Line #8… or are you still establishing/painting a visual image of the town, the house or the park.
POINT #5: Don’t bore the reader and grab him/her by Line #6 to Line #8 on your script’s first page.
Hopefully you now understand Cut-To-The-Chase
If so please-please share and help first-timers with an example movie or tv series that you think is great at Cutting-To-The-Chase.
Personally, I think TV’s “LAW & ORDER” is amazing. They don’t wait more than 15 seconds to Cut-To-The-BODY!
Hi, I’m Dov Simens and if you want factual, unfiltered information on how to profit as a Filmmaker, Screenwriter, Director or Producer then my affordable Film Programs ($89-$289), are perfect for you…
Happy Filmmaking,
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*** NO-BULL ***
Hi Dov,
An agent has had my synopsis and screenplay for about a month now. Is it okay at this point to follow up with a phone call? Tks
I want screen writing books
Thanks for the leads, but many of these appear not to be literary agencies or are out of business.
This breakdown of agencies is incredibly helpful. Cutting to the chase is essential for script success. Shows like Breaking Bad excel at gripping openings that keep viewers glued.
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