$30,000-$50,000 FEATURE FILM (AKA: Micro-Budget Filmmaking)
by Dov S-S Simens on June 15, 2015
Producing the $30,000 Feature Film:
This is the 1-Week Shoot, 90-Page, 1-Location Script.
90-Pages, 7 Shoot Days… Working 15-18 hours/day executing a Shooting Schedule of 12-13 Pages/Day.
If 1-Page of Script, formatted properly, becomes approximately 1-minute of Running Time… Then you must get shot (aka: covered at least 1-Page In-The-Can every 45-50 Minutes.
Phew…. But doable.
WELCOME TO HOLLYWOOD & [Click to Continue…]
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$20,000-$30,000 FEATURE FILM (AKA: Shot-For)
by Dov S-S Simens on June 12, 2015
The $1,000-$10,000 No-Budget Feature and the $10,000-$20,000 Credit-Card Feature are now covered. So let’s proceed to the $20,000-$30,000 Shot-For Feature Film… With, “Shot-For” being the key phrase. Why? Because “Shot-For” is most common phrase heard after someone states the movie’s budget was”$20,000 to $30,000″.
“EL MARIACJI” was “Shot-For”20,000-$30,000.
“CLERKS” was “Shot-For” $20,000-$30,000.
“PI” was “Shot-For” $20,000-$30,000.
1 Comment$10,000-$20,000 FEATURE FILM (AKA: Credit Card Filmmaking)
by Dov S-S Simens on June 9, 2015
$10,000-$20,000 FEATURE FILM
$10-$20K! Last week’s post was Producing the $1-$10K “No-Budget” Feature Film…. Now, let’s Produce a $10-20K Credit-Card Feature assuming you have a Card (Visa/MC/Amex not Costco or Target) and desire to go into debt (I totally advise against this, but would be remiss not to explain it, if my job is to be an excellent teacher void of rah-rah speeches and teach Independent filmmaking A-Z).
With a credit card (Caveat: that you must pay off) you can add $5,000-$10,00,
1 Comment$1,000-$10,000 FEATURE FILM (aka: No-Budget Filmmaking)
by Dov S-S Simens on June 5, 2015
$1-10K Feature Film
Producing the $1,000-$10,000 No-Budget Feature Film!
Everyone must start somewhere and it is my strong belief that, as an adult, starting with a short is not a correct-move for anyone who wants into an industry that focuses on profits.
Truthfully, of the 100,000+ shorts made last year can you name me one that actually sold and made a profit? Therefore, in ruthless honesty, the biggest learning experience that an adult obtains by making a short is how to “go broke”,
6 CommentsACTORS… GET AN AGENT (15 Hollywood Talent Agents Starting with X)
by Dov S-S Simens on June 3, 2015
15 Hollywood Talent Agents
You are only 1 Cattle-Call & 2 Call-Backs away from fame-and-fortune… but you need an agent.
Now, you’ve heard you can’t get a job acting if you’re not in the union…. The union being Screen Actors Guild (SAG), not American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA) or American Federation of TV Radio Alliance (AFTRA)…. But you can’t get into this union unless you have qualified acting parts from SAG Signator companies.
113 Comments12 FEATURE FILMS (Your 1st Movie… $1,000-$10,000,000 Budget)
by Dov S-S Simens on June 1, 2015
Independent Filmmaking: $1,000-$10,000,000
Want to Produce? Want to Write? Want to Direct? Want to star in a Feature Film?
(Best way to Direct is to Write & Best way to get your Script made is Direct it)
Of course you do… Plus, are you tired of waiting to be discovered and is it frustrating seeing each of your ideas being made, being made by others… and being made poorly.
1 Comment5 NY LITERARY AGENTS: Books, Scripts, Manuscripts
by Dov S-S Simens on May 29, 2015
Want a Literary Agent?
Yes, not everything happens in Hollywood but don’t say that to someone who lives in Santa Monica and their house is North of Montana Ave.
And yes there actually is a place called Manhattan with 100s, if not 1,000s, of Literary Agents, Movie Producers and Financial Dealmakers who actually do need Scripts for projects… and actually know where jobs for writers are. and are actively seeking new talent with a “proven gift of dialogue”
by Dov S-S Simens on May 26, 2015
Always remember “No one looks like you”. You are unique and original so please-please have your headshot look-like-you…
Next you will need and truly want an agent .
You could try the Big 6 (WME, CAA, ICM, UTA, APA, TGA) but I almost guarantee unless you have a dear friend, who is represented by one of the Big 6, and you do-not-look-like-your-friend,
by Dov S-S Simens on May 22, 2015
CAA is Alive & Kicking…
Please do not think that CAA is hurting.
Creative Artists Agency (aka: CAA) is alive and kicking.
Yeah-yeah you read about the defections to rival agency United Talent Agency (UTA) but I hope you’re not feeling sad for CAA for they still have “power”…
They still have Kevin Huvane (Head Motion Picture Talent), Rob Light (Head Music department), Bryan Lourd (Managing Partner Talent) &
9 CommentsSCREENWRITING CONTESTS: 4 Entry Dates (Don’t Wait)
by Dov S-S Simens on May 20, 2015
HELLO FILMMAKERS: Hello Hyphens (Writer-Director, Writer-Producer, Writer-Actor)
Got Your Script. It’s perfect.
Of course, get an agent. Get a deal. Go into Pre-Production
But you can’t, you say you’ve tried, the doors are shut, no one will talk with you, never the less listen to a pitch and you believe the only way to claim credibility, and secure representation, is to win a Screenwriting Contest.
Yes, it is a way. [Click to Continue…]