HOLLYWOOD ACTOR AGENTS (Hit the Ground Running: 18 Agents)
by Dov S-S Simens on August 18, 2015
Hit the ground running: If you are coming to LA and want to be a professional actor then hit-the-ground-running.
Have your headshot ready (it will change), get a list of acting teachers, find a place to live (Culver City, Burbank, Park La Brea, North Hollywood, etc.) where a 2-bedroom with a roommate costs $2,200, line up your waiter gig (doing Uber or Lyft is better), and get your headshot to each and every one of the agents/agencies.
12 CommentsWant to make a successful independent film?
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by Dov S-S Simens on August 17, 2015
RAISING $200,000,000… “The Simple Hollywood Formula”
(A) $20,000 = (B) $200,000 = (C) $2,000,000 = (D) $20,000,000 = (E) $200,000,000 (Mega-Budget Feature”)
Financing a Mega-Budget Studio Feature Film is not difficult when you understand the Formula.
Yes, Hollywood is run by formulas “Script Formula” (50 Scenes, A-Story & 3 B Stories), “Directing Formula” (Master Shot, 2 Medium Shots, 3 Closeups & a Cutaway), Posting Formula (Picture, Sound, Footsteps, ADR,
5 CommentsTOP 20 GREAT FILMMAKING TIPS (Be Careful of #10)
by Dov S-S Simens on August 14, 2015
MovieMaker Magazine
Once again “MovieMaker Magazine”, an excellent periodical for Filmmakers, First-timers, Professionals, and Afficionados, from a hip Bi-Coastal (Oregon & Maine) publisher (moniker: Tim Rhys) who was/is one of the first to tout/praise Mr Sanders (I’m still a Bloomberg man) as our new leader has come up with a superb article, in their Film School issue, on the “11 FILMMAKING TIPS” (tongue-in-cheek humor) learned by a now pro.
I have added my 9 (yeah I know…
2 CommentsFILMMAKER SUCCESS FORMULA (The 7-Step Process…Guaranteed… Start At The Bottom)
by Dov S-S Simens on August 13, 2015
(1) Read this Blog
(2) Pick a Budget (see below) that is hopefully #1 to #6… Go #7 to #12 in budget selection and you are not realistic
(3) Get the Script… Keep-It-Simple-Stupid (90-pages, 1-Location, No Stunts, No VFX, No EXT-NIGHT)
(4) Hustle some money (see below, #1 to #6)
(5) Make the Film and make it with Talent
(6) Be a Good Person
(7) Trust God…
3 CommentsNY ACTORS (10 NY Casting Directors, with Addresses)
by Dov S-S Simens on August 12, 2015
NEW YORK CASTING (Theater, Commercials, TV & Film)
Broadway here I come and Madison Avenue (Commercial Biz) I got the look.
Hey, NY Actors or should I say Thespians. Let’s assume you can sing & dance for without that you “ain’t gettin’ a gig for Broadway” but always remember they shoot 1,000s of Commercials in Manhattan, they have an amazing amount of Modeling Gigs, even for the everyman/everywoman look, and, thanks to NY State’s Rebate/Refund Program and only NY looking like NY,
6 CommentsACTORS: YOU ARE UNIQUE (10 Hollywood Casting Directors)
by Dov S-S Simens on August 10, 2015
ACTORS: Cold Auditions: How to Get Your First Part
Remember… “You are Unique”…. “You are a One & Only”… “No One Looks Like You”… “There is a Great Part Looking for You”…
There is a Producer, Ad Agency, Client and Casting Director that is looking for someone that looks exactly like you.
Now let’s find the Casting Director with the client, with that great part…. that is looking for you.
by Dov S-S Simens on August 7, 2015
Is a 4-Year Film School worth it?
This subject has been beaten over-and-over with the only thing sure being that it is a good subject to blog about.
I have found a great article, void of emotion, and full of logic, written by Ryan Koo, author of a new tome, “FILM SCHOOL” that outlines 10 unemotional reasons, that truly have logic, of why a 2-4 Year program today is not necessary.
3 CommentsGot a Script? CYA. Copyright or Register? (CYA, CYA, CYA)
by Dov S-S Simens on August 5, 2015
Wrote a Script. Welcome to Hollywood…. However, before you get off the Turnip Truck 1st CYA. CYA. CYA.
Here is an excellent article by an attorney, Larry Zerner Esq, that details the pros & cons of doing one or the other or… do both.
My opinion is… it is so cheap to (A) Copyright and to (B) Register. Why not do both. But as Mr Zerner says “Do the copyright first”
by Dov S-S Simens on August 3, 2015
Yes, the dream of every filmmaker is to make a “no-Budget”, “micro-Budget” or “low-Budget” feature film like “Blair Witch”, or “pi”, or “Paranormal Activity” or “Tangerine” and get it into Sundance, Toronto or Tribecca for a premiere.
Receive a standing ovation and conclude during the next 15-minutes with a distributor bidding-war, in the theater’s lobby, for your baby.
2 CommentsYO NY. WANT AN AGENT? (12 NY Literary Agents)
by Dov S-S Simens on July 31, 2015
Have a Script? Have an Idea? Need an Agent?
Yes Hollywood is the home of the big-big agencies.
And yes they do have offices in Manhattan and some in London and some in Nashville.
And yes you’ve heard that a large Hollywood or NY Agency will not take your call or submissions… then why not try the smaller 3-10 person agencies. It’s a fair chance that when you call the owner might even pick up the phone (receptionists are rotating shifts) and say “Hello”.