SCREENPLAY CONTESTS (Careful, 72% of Them Are Scams. The Best 10 Are…)
by Dov S-S Simens on March 10, 2016
Screenplay Contests come in 4 categories that are (1) They Suck & You’re an Idiot for Entering, (2) They’re Ego but it Helped You to Do a Re-Write, (3) They’re Good & You Could get Hired & Optioned or (4) They’re Great and You Have an Agent & Offers.
Be careful about Category 1 & 2. Submit to only 3 & 4. Now, permit me to explain the difference between excellent screenplay contests (3&4) and bogus script contests (1&2)
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THE SCRIPT WRITER’S GREAT SECRET (“Re-Writing. 10 Tips. #2 is Easy. #8 is Cool”)
by Dov S-S Simens on March 7, 2016
Nothing is written…it’s re-written.
And the key to making your script great, assuming a “good ear”, a phrase for great dialogue, is how to not fall in love with what you’ve typed and can Delete, Delete & Delete, Tweak, Tweak & Tweak and make the second draft GREAT.
IMPORTANT POINT: Always remember “Good is not good enough”.
20 Comments4 SCREENWRITING SECRETS (This is a Must Read… #3 & #4 Are Super Great)
by Dov S-S Simens on March 1, 2016
They say about Hollywood, “Those whores only read 10 pages”.
Hey, “Easy. Easy. I was one of those whores”.
Permit me to explain why: Everyone believes that a “Reader” (aka: Those Whores) can tell if your script stinks within 10 pages… is a bloody-bloody-lie…
Answer: I used to be a “Reader” and did “Coverage” (2-page Book/Script Evaluations) during my first 3 years in Hollywood,
31 CommentsOSCAR WEEK (Meet, Mingle, Deal & Hustle. Guess where I was & I’ll be?)
by Dov S-S Simens on February 26, 2016
OSCAR WEEK Party. Pitch. Panel. Pitch. Partner. Pitch. Produce. Pitch. Perform. Pitch
Oscar week is when 30% of the Film, Television and now, On-Demand, deals are initiated for the entire year.
Join in. But always remember it’s called “Show Business”…. Business. Business. Business.
So, even though the Academy (AMPAS, Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences) events have started, allow me to give you a day-by-day rundown of where to go,
2 CommentsTOP 25 MOVIE PODCASTS…. (All FREE…Click, Read, Listen, Learn, Produce, Write, Direct…)
by Dov S-S Simens on February 22, 2016
25 FILMMAKER PODCASTS (All Free)…. Read, Click, Listen, Learn
25 Free Filmmaking Podcasts from experienced film pros, with solid filmmaker – writer – director – producer information, are a super inexpensive way to learn how to succeed in Hollywood as an Independent Filmmaker.
The list (Top 25 Movie Podcasts) was first aggregated by JASON BUFF, who’s Podcast, “INDIE FILM ACADEMY”, is listed as #4 and you should definitely listen to.
4 CommentsINDEPENDENT vs HOLLYWOOD (The Budget & Schedule Secret… Shhh)
by Dov S-S Simens on February 21, 2016
You have finished your Screenplay. It is great. You are in Pre-Production and scheduling & budgeting, but need to know how many weeks to shoot, in order to prepare your budget properly… where will you get the answer?
The most common question(s) that pop up from first-timers is usually “How Long Is the Shoot?” or “How much time do I need to do it right?” or “How long is a Hollywood Shoot?”…
4 CommentsGOT AN IDEA…NEED AN AGENT? (Here are 50 Agents for Writers, Comics, Actors, Directors & Reality Ideas… Call.)
by Dov S-S Simens on February 19, 2016
SELL YOUR IDEA: Movie, Sitcoms & Reality
“Yo Dov, I need an agent. Do you know one?” is probably the most common question I’m asked.
And yes, I know hundreds (below is a list of Talent Agents, Literary Agents, Music Agents, Production Agents, Packaging Agents, etc.) from just one Agency but first you need to know the true job of an agent.
Let’s get real: Agents are not here to (A) sell your script or (B) get you a job;
82 CommentsOSCAR AWARD SECRET (Make-a-Short. Get it Oscar Qualified… Shhh)
by Dov S-S Simens on February 15, 2016
“As a Filmmaker…start small” “Make a Short…Enter Film Festivals”… “Get an Agent…Make Deals”
On the surface this sounds correct. However, it is H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E advice.
Again, Film Shorts… You were told to start small… start with a short… learn the film craft… Practice and develop your directing talent… Be discovered… Get an Agent and a 3 picture deal…
Sounds like the correct advice to be given.
4 CommentsFILM FESTIVAL CIRCUIT… HUH? (3 Secrets. 1st is Who? 2nd is Cost? 3rd is?)
by Dov S-S Simens on February 14, 2016
“Go to the Festival Circuit”. “Go to the Festival Route.”…. “What the heck are these people talking about?”
Either of these phrases come from the mouths of professional producers, directors and studio executives that know not how to teach filmmaking.
Plus, “Festival Circuit” or “Festival Route” are, even sadder, misleading phrases mouthed by film instructors at those absurdly over-priced 4-year (NYU,
4 CommentsA GREAT DISTRIBUTION TRICK (Rent-A-Distributor)
by Dov S-S Simens on February 10, 2016
Hollywood (Warners, Paramount, 20th, Universal, Sony, Disney, etc.) have a simple saying that you, the independent filmmaker(s), have never heard… but they say it all the time & it is the truth.
So what is the saying? I hope you’re an adult, mature and ready for honesty.
Okay, you are!
The saying is… “Producers get F*cked. Distributors do the F*cking”. That is not all of the saying.