MULTIPLE PRODUCERS: EVERY MOVIE HAS 5 (Which one are you? Hopefully not #4.)
by Dov S-S Simens on July 22, 2016
The 5 Types of Movie Producers.
So you want to produce?
(Scott Rudin secures Oscar for movie he produced for Coen Brothers)
You have this great idea, but you don’t want to direct, and you’re not the writer so you guess you’re the producer.
Okay, but which type are you? And do you even know the differences?
There are 5 types of Producers represented by 5 OTCs (Opening Title Credits) which are usually single title cards.
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13 SCREENWRITING SECRETS (#1, 7 & 8 Are Imperative)
by Dov S-S Simens on July 8, 2016
SCREENWRITING (No-Bull): Hollywood, according to it’s writer’s union ( minimum rules, pays approx. $100,000 (see below) or a little more for a Treatment and 2 Drafts (1st Draft & Final Draft) to hire a writer to write a script based off an idea they have or a book or real life story they optioned.
QUESTION: So what do you think they’ll offer you when you come to them with the finished script that,
11 CommentsWHY SCREENWRITERS FAIL (25 Reasons… I love 5, 13 & 28… 28?)
by Dov S-S Simens on July 4, 2016
“Dov, can you read my script?”
“Dov, everyone loves my script”
“Dov, I’ve gotten great feedback…now what?”
Sometimes, I even get, “Dov my script has gotten some really good mixed reviews”… “Huh? Good mixed reviews? That’s an oxymoron. What do I do?”
Permit me to Cut-to-the-chase.
ONE: It’s either “it’s Great &
9 CommentsGOT AN IDEA. NEED AN AGENT. TRY PARADIGM. (WME, ICM, CAA, UTA & APA Won’t Handle You… Try Paradigm)
by Dov S-S Simens on July 1, 2016
SELL YOUR IDEA: Movie, Sitcoms & Reality
Ideas do sell. Not often but they do sell.
“Yo Dov, I need an agent. Do you know one?” is probably the most common question I’m asked.
And yes, I know hundreds (below is a list of Talent Agents, Literary Agents, Music Agents, Production Agents, Packaging Agents, etc.) from just one Agency but first you need to know the true job of an agent.
4 Comments12 MOVIE BUDGETS: ($1,000-$10,000,000. Which One is Your First? Mine was #6)
by Dov S-S Simens on June 28, 2016
Independent Filmmaking:
Want to Produce? Want to Write? Want to Direct? Want to star in a Feature Film?
(Best way to Direct is to Write & Best way to get your Script made is to Direct it)
Of course you do… Plus, are you tired of waiting to be discovered and is it frustrating seeing each of your ideas being made, being made by others…
5 Comments38 STEPS OF FILMMAKING (Making-a-Movie Takes 38 Bank Checks…Can You Name Them?)
by Dov S-S Simens on June 20, 2016
38 STEPS OF FILMMAKING (Who Gets Paid What & What Things Cost)
38 Bank Checks Make-a-Movie. Can you name them?
When budgeting, whether for a Feature Film, TV Episode or Documentary there will be on average 38 Line Items in the Top Sheet (One Page Summarized Budget) of a budget proposal.
I call these 38 Line Items the “38 Steps of Filmmaking”.
Can you instantly name the 38 Line Items,
11 CommentsULTRA-LOW-BUDGET FILMMAKING (The $100K-$200K,1-Week Shoot)
by Dov S-S Simens on June 16, 2016
$100,000-$200,000? (Low-Budget or Ultra-Low-Budget Filmmaking)
Here’s the assumption: You have $100K-$200K cash sitting in a bank account (don’t know how you got it & don’t care) yelling “spend me, spend me”… And $100K-$200K is more than enough money to Produce a quality Low-Budget, actually Ultra-Low-Budget, Feature Film for you can now afford to plan, budget, schedule and execute a 1-2 week shoot with professional crew.
3 CommentsSCREENWRITING: THE $100,000 SALE (Learn Script Secrets, Tricks & Costs)
by Dov S-S Simens on June 7, 2016
$100,000 SCRIPT SALE (Treatment & 2 Drafts)
Hollywood, according to union minimum rules, pays approx. $100,000 (see below) for a Treatment and 2 Drafts (1st Draft & Final Draft) to hire a writer to write a script based off an idea they have or a book or real life story they optioned.
(WGA minimum for a Treatment and two Drafts is “just under” $100,000)
QUESTION: So what do you think they’ll offer you when you come to them with the finished script that,
6 CommentsCANNES & SUNDANCE DEALS (6 Distribution Offers. Pick 1. I like #s 2 & 4)
by Dov S-S Simens on June 4, 2016
For a filmmaker, with an independent film, the purpose of a Film Festival, other than social validation, is to demonstrate to distributors (assuming their Acquisition Executives are in attendance) that your film is (A) Marketable, (B) Sells Out screenings, (C) Makes Money, (D) most important, has “Buzz”…. so you may get some cash (E) to pay back your investors and (F) launch your career.
Straight. Honest. To-the-Point.
(Enjoy the premiere but make sure the Acquisition Executives are in attendance)
(A) MARKETABLE: You’re accepted to Sundance,
No CommentsMOVIE MONEY: THE BIG 6 (Packaging Agents Make Big Commissions… My Agent is with #2)
by Dov S-S Simens on May 31, 2016
(William Morris Endeavor, Creative Artists Agency & International Creative Management are mega-packaging agencies that hate each other)
What is a Packaging Agent and how is it different from a Talent Agent or a Literary Agent?
Simple. Packaging Agents get 5% commission.
Talent & Literary Agents get 10-15% commission.
So why would anyone want to be a Packaging Agent?
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