MOVIE IDEA… Its Monetary Value. CYA & How to Sue.
by Dov S-S Simens on March 5, 2017
OK. OK. You’ve read Hollywood is looking for the great idea…and Yes, you have it.
However, your idea is just a thought… it’s not a finished script, it’s not even a Treatment… it’s just a thought. But you ran into someone at Starbucks (Brentwood, NoHo or WeHo) told them your great idea with the person remarking “You know who would like that…?”
Fast forward two-weeks, and reading Variety you see an article about what a Studio is about to make and you go “OMG…
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THE $1,000,000 PER WEEK ACTOR: (BONUS: 5 Premiere Series Casting @ $3,239/Week)
by Dov S-S Simens on February 28, 2017
Start at $933/day or $3,239/week.
The Screen Actors Guild (aka: “SAG”) rate for first-time actors on a new tv series is $933/Day or $3,239/Week. And, remember these are the minimums… and I think you recall those 6 darlings from “FRIENDS” who got $1,000,000/Episode.
OK… So how does this $1,000,000 per Episode happen?
Well, first year, if you are not the star, which you are not…
5 CommentsDIRECTING MOVIES: The 4-Year Theory vs 2-Day Method
by Dov S-S Simens on February 24, 2017
Get a script. Pick a location. Cast your actors. Get a Camera. Hit the On-Button. Tell the actors to talk. Wait 90-minutes. Say “Cut”. You got a movie… Why make it difficult?
(Cameras are cheap. Actors are everywhere. Who doesn’t have a script. So, if you want to direct…then direct.)
You want to direct and of course there is more to it but first…
6 CommentsSCREENWRITING SECRET ON HOW TO GET AN AGENT… (BONUS: 5 Boutique Script Agencies)
by Dov S-S Simens on February 19, 2017
SCREENWRITING SECRET: Key to Script Writing… is Script Writing
You’re a Screenwriter (so you say) and have an amazing idea for a great movie. Maybe you even have the perfect pitch and have written & registered a perfect treatment as told to do in that seminar titled “How to Sell Ideas” or “How to Get a Literary Agent” or “Hollywood Loves Ideas”, etc., given at an expensive ($150,000-$250,000) 4-year theory laden film school.
Now what?
2 CommentsWANT TO DIRECT? HIRE A CINEMATOGRAPHER! (BIG SECRET: Your Cinematographer is the True Director)
by Dov S-S Simens on February 17, 2017
WANT TO DIRECT? Hire A Cinematographer.
On a film set directors, especially new ones, focus 95% on actors and are totally lost and confused about what to do with the camera, the lights, the shots and coverage.
No matter how many years of film school they had, they’re still insecure and confused about where to place the camera; what lens to use; what filters to get; where to place lights; how to move a dolly;
3 CommentsPRODUCE A MOVIE (Filmmaker Success… What are the Odds? Budgets 6 & 7 are Your Best Bets)
by Dov S-S Simens on December 24, 2016
PRODUCE A FEATURE FILM: What are the Odds?
Anyone, yes anyone, can produce, write or direct a feature film if they lose their naivety (It’s called “Show Business”… It is not called “Show Art”) and become realistic.
And, by realistic is meant, accepting that you, as a first-timer, are not a marketable name and neither your mom or dad are marketable names nor are they billionaires with disposable cash.
6 CommentsATTN WOMEN: HOLLYWOOD GLASS CEILING (Break the Damn Ceiling… 7 Female Power Agents & 5 Phone Numbers)
by Dov S-S Simens on December 16, 2016
Want an agent? You’re a female. You’ve heard that Hollywood, like other industries, has a Glass Ceiling. You have a great idea. You have a script. You are amazing talent… You’re ready to break in and all that is needed for you is representation.
(Break the glass ceiling. Women, why not get a woman agent… and yes they do have power.)
No problem.
1 CommentHOLLYWOOD SECRET: PERSONAL MANAGERS (Want an Agent? Get a Manager. BONUS: 4 Great Managers
by Dov S-S Simens on December 5, 2016
Here’s a Hollywood Secret. Get a Personal Manager.
Why? Pick one: You have a script and need a literary agent or…
You’re an actor and need a talent agent or…
You’re a filmmaker and need a packaging agent or…
You’re a director, with an award winning short, and need a tv agent or…
You’re a producer, with a project,
8 CommentsHOLLYWOOD SMALL LICENSED AGENTS (25 Literary Talent Agents)
by Dov S-S Simens on November 28, 2016
There are 7 mega powerful Hollywood agencies, with 50-200 agents each for Writers, Directors, Filmmakers, Actors, Singers, Comics and Speakers, that more than likely will not either take your phone call or accept your unsolicited manuscript.
They are…
(1) Agency for Performing Artists (APA) at 310-888-4200.
(Make sure your script is typed in the correct format…. Use either Final Draft, Celtx, MovieMagic or Scrivener screenwriting software.)
(2) Creative Artists Agency (CAA) at 424-888-2000
(3) The Gersh Agency (TGA) at 310-274-6611
(4) International Creative Management (ICM) at 310-550-4000.
by Dov S-S Simens on November 24, 2016
HOLLYWOOD FORMULAS (Part 1: Screenwriting)
First life.
Life, whether you desire to write, produce or direct has simple rules for fulfillment and happiness (i.e. Be nice…Act with love…Work hard…Trust God) that are absolutes.
Anyone, yes anyone can write, produce or direct but the key is “and be happy”… then apply these 3 Formulas, or roadmaps, be patient…. and “Happiness is “guaranteed”.”
(OK, nothing is ever guaranteed…but it is likely)
(Happiness is more than a 3-minute pitch to Spielberg,