YOUR 1st FEATURE FILM BUDGET IS… (No-B, Micro-B or Low-B?)
by Dov S-S Simens on May 28, 2017
Hello first-time Producers, Screenwriters & Directors.
(“To launch your film career, if your parents are not mega-wealthy or -famous, making a low-budget feature is a very valid method and depending on the budget 1/2 to 1/10th the cost of going to NYU or USC for 4-years.”)
Here’s the point: When starting a movie career everyone, even 4-year ($200,000-$300,000) USC & NYU graduates,
5 CommentsWant to make a successful independent film?
Join my email list and get my free weekly advice on screenwriting, financing, shooting, producing, and much more!
3 OSCAR WINNERS: 18-40 DAY SHOOTS (Learn the 7-13 Day Shoot Secrets)
by Dov S-S Simens on May 22, 2017
NO-BULL: The key to knowing a film’s budget is not in listening to panelists at festivals or reading trade articles in newspapers like Variety or Hollywood Reporter…
The secret lies in first knowing “How long was the shoot”. And once you know how long the shoot was you secondly can back into the amount of money (aka: budget) that was actually spent to make-the-film rather than listening to or reading the inflated number they’re using to market-the-film.
1 Comment$3,000,000,000 (Yes Billion) MOVIE MONEY! Apply. Get Some. (6 States, 2 Provinces & China)
by Dov S-S Simens on May 11, 2017
In 1997 Canada, specifically the city of Toronto (which doubles for USA cities), opted to compete for Hollywood shoots (aka: money) by offering 25% rebates/refunds to all productions that were about to-be-shot in cities like New York, or Boston, or Philadelphia, or Baltimore or any East Coast USA city but decided to shoot in Toronto, take the 25% rebate, bring 2 American actors, shoot 99% of the scenes in Toronto, call it an American movie,
6 CommentsPOWER HOLLYWOOD ATTORNEYS (The Secret to Movie Money & Hollywood Agents. The Top 25 Power Attorneys)
by Dov S-S Simens on May 7, 2017
No-Bull! Yes you need an agent.
Yes you need a movie agent that knows how to sell scripts, hire writers, attach bankable actors, create movie packages, take meetings with deal-makers and power-brokers and help with financing via pre-selling, etc.
And the secret to securing a true Hollywood agent is to retain a powerful Hollywood attorney and literally buy your way into the system.
However, to succeed,
18 CommentsFINANCE A MOVIE FRANCHISE (Want $200,000,000? Movie Money)
by Dov S-S Simens on May 3, 2017
If “THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS” (aka: “Fast & Furious 8”), a big-budget Roger Corman guys-n-cars movie, can gross over $500,000,000 in a weekend and almost $2,000,000,000 in 3 weeks with no story according to Bob McKee and a BS budget of $250,000,000, just imagine what your idea (“Charlie Chan” karate-remake, “Felix The Cat” live action or “Genghis Khan meets Sherlock Holmes”, “War of The Planets”, “War of the Cosmos”, “War of the Unicorns”,
7 CommentsGOT AN IDEA. WRITE A TREATMENT. (Get a $1,000,000 Offer… Learn How.)
by Dov S-S Simens on April 3, 2017
Movie ideas are a dime-a-dozen and your sure that yours is worth a million bucks…
And “Yes great movie ideas are rare.”
But beware, even if you have a great idea, an unbelievable variation of one of Shakespeare’s “20 Master Plots” or an amazing twist on Joseph Campbell’s “The Heros Journey” (superb storytelling books you can obtain at the… Always remember, “No one,
6 CommentsFILMMAKING IS EASY…LIFE IS DIFFICULT. (Follow 14 Steps & Profit)
by Dov S-S Simens on March 28, 2017
Want to make a Movie? Want to profit? Want to play Hollywood but still live (Atlanta, London, Kathmandu, Buenos Aires, Dubai, etc.) in your hometown?
Thanks to digital technology, social media marketing and on-demand revenues. This is quite possible.
Filmmaking is easy… Life is difficult.
Actually I lied… Nothing is easy. Especially making profitable movies.
Why? Because it also takes talent,
9 CommentsTHE $10,000 FEATURE FILM (Make a Bloody Movie: No-Budget Producing, Writing & Directing Secrets & Tricks)
by Dov S-S Simens on March 26, 2017
Launch your career. Produce & Direct.
And, please don’t tell me you don’t have access to $10,000. If you don’t then do Uber & Starbucks for 60-hours/week. Live frugal and in 8 months you’ll have $10,000.
And please, please, please I beg you “Do not, I repeat, Do-Not-Make-A-Short”.
Why? Simple…Shorts, made by adults, only demonstrate that you know how to go broke.
Can you name me a single short last year,
10 CommentsSCREENWRITING JOBS (Best Writer Job Sites. 436 Writing Gigs. Click & Apply)
by Dov S-S Simens on March 14, 2017
Attn Writers: Coming to Hollywood? Want a Screenwriting job? Want to be paid to write?
Freelance writing jobs are available. Find the one for you and start your career.
Below are the top 10 job sites for writers for Southern California.
But remember, it is not difficult finding where writing jobs in Hollywood are, what is difficult is having the writing skill and landing the job.
10 CommentsTOP 20 GLOBAL FILM GRANTS (#4, 8, 11 & 18 are best for USA Filmmakers)
by Dov S-S Simens on March 11, 2017
Film Grants, some people call them Movie Grants, foolishly thought of as free money (maintain 100% equity) for Movies, Documentaries, Web Series or other Digital Media platforms are nice to know about but on the most part, if trying to finance a $300,000 to $3,000,000 Low-Budget or Independent Feature Film, are not worth the time, paperwork and process it takes to simply apply… never the less obtain (just my opinion)…. but it does happen.